Adoption Stories

Simba! a story wasn’t meant to be. He was around 6 months old, when he was found by the gas station, begging for food. He was taken to the facility to give the proper medical attention and to be neutered. When the time came by to release him back to the street, a photographer was visiting the facility and Simba wasn’t one of the lucky ones to have his photo to be taken, but he was in the background, just standing by the wall. When we mailed the photos to the adopters Simba’s mom saw him in background and fell in love with him. Simba took his trip to the US to live with his mom in Connecticut. He is now one of the luckiest pups of Istanbul.

Ted aka Yogurt is doing so great! We found him by accident. We googled “terriers in Virginia” and somehow got connected to SDP! We feel so lucky! We had no knowledge of the street dog phenomenon. He is so sweet, appreciative, and as loving and devoted as can be. He loves cuddling (more than any dog I have ever known), riding in the car, being carried even though he is 30 lbs, and he enjoys the dog park very much. He has a best friend in his human sister when he adores (it’s mutual) and a neighbor dog with whom he likes to play and visit. He is a slice of Heaven on Earth! We could not have asked for a better addition to the family! We always say, “we don’t deserve Ted!” We must have done something right in another life!


Overweight, shaggy, matted, dirty and depressed street dog up for adoption.

Chances are, this dog didn’t always look this way.
Chances are, this dog had a home at some point in his life.
Chances are, this dog had people of his own who he probably thought loved him.
Chances are this dog thought he would never be thrown away because he was simply no longer wanted.
Chances are no one really treats a dog this way, right? Wrong. In fact, in Turkey, they do it all the time. When a dog owner no longer wants to keep their dog, they simply discard them, throw them away, toss them out of the house or drive them far enough away that they can’t find their way back home. That’s what happened to this dog, and at the age of five, he now finds himself homeless.
I’m sure he’s thinking it was all a big mistake or perhaps a silly game and that his owners are anxiously searching for him.
I’m sure he’s imagined the feeling he’ll get when he’s reunited with his owners.
I’m sure he’d be so forgiving of their stupidity and selfishness.
I’m sure of all these things, but more importantly, I’m 100% sure this dog needs someone much kinder, full of love, compassion, has morals, and a heart the size of the moon.
I’m sure this dog needs someone who will give him a safe and soft place to lay.

Please meet Grant. Grant is learning to turn the page on his past. First, he’s sporting a fresh and clean, tight summer clip, and secondly, he no longer has to worry about wandering the streets eating scraps and sleeping on concrete.

Our Monty is a beautiful black very big Anatolian Shepherd street dog from Turkey. He came to us October 9th 2021 after he was bounced around a couple times with homes that fell thru for one reason or another.
He’s a perfect fit in our family along with our sweet soul Esper who is a medium sized blond Anatolian Shepherd street dog from Turkey also who we adopted on June 7th 2021.

We don’t know if they could have possibly known each other while living on the streets of Turkey but they get along perfectly as if they have been together their whole lives.

Sometimes they just hang out together calmly and sometimes they have fun being playing casually or loud and rough. They were adopted into our family as well as our little chihuahua mix Ripley who they both adore and protect. Esper is the alpha dog with an old soul and calm cool collected demeanor and Monty is the big goofy overgrown puppy-like and silly but when he feels it is necessary - serious and loud protector of the house and family/pack. We love all of our dogs tremendously and will always be grateful to Street Dog Pals for rescuing them and allowing us to bring them into our family, home and hearts. With love and appreciation - the Collins family.

She was hanging around many dogs at the forest near the city of Sakarya. We saw her in background begging for attention.

She is living in North Carolina happily ever after. Her family adores her.

Finn! was found as a stray in Sakarya, his ears where cut, probably by kids. His ears were bleeding and infected. He was taken to the facility and right away to the vet. We came across his mom through pet finder to she was asking for another dog and she and her husband saw Finn and they fell in love with immediately. Finn is living in NJ with his foster fail sister Layla

KOALA! was found on the streets in Izmir area, in very bad shape. She is living it up in the US now with her sisters and wonderful family