Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

We are a small group of volunteers located across the U.S.


Where are your dogs rescued from?

We have an amazing team of rescuers who travel throughout Turkey’s cities, forests, and landfills saving dogs that have been dumped, neglected, injured or abused.  The dogs are brought to a privately-owned care facility in Istanbul where they receive food, shelter, and medical evaluations.  Our adoptable dogs come from this facility known as Mor Patient Dernegi (Purple Paw Rescue Group). 


Is the facility similar to shelters in the U.S.?

No.  Our dogs are housed in an open-concept care facility.  This means that rather than keeping a dog isolated in individual dog runs, our dogs are in groups that are defined by their  size and temperament.  This type of group interaction allows the dogs to remain social, feel secure, and learn the importance of boundaries.


What sort of health care do the dogs receive?

 The routine standard of care is as follows:

•      A wellness exam

•      Blood Test - Heartworm, Ehrlichia, Leishmaniasis, and Anaplasmosis

•      Fecal Test - Canine Parvo, Corona Virus and Giardia

•      Vaccinations - Rabies, Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus, (DHPP), and Bordetella, a vaccine that helps to prevent kennel cough

•      Flea and tick preventative treatment

•      Deworming treatment

•      Spaying or neutering

•      Microchip insertion


Please note:  Some parasites can go undetected at the time of testing because they do not float well or are in a stage of dormancy. 


How do you know the dog’s breed and age?

We list a dog’s breed based on physical appearance only or a breed in which they resemble.  The age of a dog is suggested after physically assessed by medical personnel. 


What is the adoption process?

The adoption process begins with the submission of an adoption application.  An approved application is followed up with a phone interview, a tour or virtual tour of your home and contact with references that you provide.  When approved for adoption, you will review and sign an Adoption Agreement.  You will also receive an information packet containing guidance on how to transition your new dog to your home,  and you will be invited to join the SDP private FB page.  Lastly, we will handle all travel arrangements from Istanbul to John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) in New York via Turkish Airlines.  Dogs are then transported to The ARK which is an animal health and reception center located in Cargo Area D.  This is where approved adopters meet and pick up their beloved Turkish dog. 


How much is the adoption fee?

 The adoption fee is determined by the breed, age, and health of the dog and will typically cover most of the veterinary costs, rabies titer, flight expenses, crate, and government expenses-which continue to rise.  Since rates are subject to change and out of our control, we will confirm the adoption fee during the phone interview portion of the adoption process.  Generally speaking, fees range between $1100-$3500.


How long will I have to wait before I can pick up my dog?

 Transporting a dog to the U.S. can take between two weeks and two months.  The process begins by obtaining appropriate transport papers for each dog, getting an average of three dogs adopted, and followed by arranging flights and coordinating schedules with dog-loving travelers who agree to escort our dogs to the U.S., known as “flight volunteers or flight nannies.”


How are the dogs with cats and children?

We allow adoptions to families with cats and children, however, we cannot guarantee a dog’s behavior around them or with other animals.

How can I help?

We are always looking for volunteers, fosters, donations, and donations of pet supplies. Please visit our pages for each of these sections.